2006 Completed Projects
Looks like I completed 42 (err… 43) projects during 2006. Once again, I wasn’t keep track of project timelines until a little while ago, so most timelines are guestimates.I noticed while putting this together that at times, particularly with gifts (I guess it’s the rush), I forget to take pictures. Hopefully this year, with this blog, I will be better about that!
#10 Wine Cozy
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease, Forrest Heather, 1 skein
Needles: US 9
Project Timeline: Last week of December 2005 – first week of January 2006
Notes:I didn’t take a picture of this (accidentally). I wanted to make Herb something for his birthday, but didn’t have enough skill to make something terribly useful. So I made this wine cozy with some leftover yarn and put a bottle of Wyatt wine in it. This way, I had something useful but that wouldn’t be a crappy present because of the wine. I like this pattern, and would consider making more in the future.
#13 Garter Stitch Hat

Pattern: None; Cast on enough stitches, knit first row, purl second row, repeat until long enough, decrease when the hat is the right size.
Yarn: Bernat Envy, Luscious Red, 2 skeins
Needles: US 15
Project Timeline: One night in early January
Notes: I made this hat to match my red scarf. The first time I tried, it came out WAY too big. But this time, I managed to find the right number of stitches to make myself a nice little beanie. Susan says it makes me look like a raspberry! :-)
#7 Latifa
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Garnstudio Silke-Tweed, 1 skein each of 1, 2, 15, 21, Koigu KPPPM #P157 (also 1 skein)
Needles:US 3
Project Timeline: December 2005 – January 2006, I think
Notes: When I saw this pattern, I loved it, and had to knit it exactly as pictured. It looks like Neapolitan and Spumoni ice cream! It was a gift for my cousin Tricia, and I never got a picture, but I do have the yarn somewhere to knit it again for me!
#11 Marley’s Ghost

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Cascade 220, #8400, way less than 1 skein
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: December 2005 – January 2006
Notes: When I saw this pattern, I just had to try it. I love the construction, and felting seemed all the rage. Unfortunately, while it turned out fine, my links don’t look nearly as big as the ones in the picture, and this has just hung in my closet since then. I might try again someday, this time making giant links that would actually come close to producing a scarf-like garment.
#4 Windy City Scarf
Pattern: Stitch ‘n BitchYarn: Patons Classic Merino Wool, #00230 (Bright Red), 1 skein, and some brown color, also 1 skein
Needles:US 9
Project Timeline: December 2005 – January 2006 (I think)
Notes: I had decided on this scarf for Susan, but when I went to Michael’s to buy wool (I also wanted 100% wool, the snobbery started pretty quickly), the color choices were limited. So I chose these, and made the scarf, in the end abandoning it halfway through, realizing Susan wouldn’t like the colors. I eventually went back to finish it, though my gauge had drastically changed, so I don’t like the look of it and have never done anything with it. I do plan on one day frogging it and reknitting it – I’m sure someone will like the colors.
#12 Rockstar Scarf

Pattern: Stitch n’ Bitch
Yarn: Brunswick Yarn La Laine Superwash Wool #6220 (Rice Paper), 1 skein, Lion Brand Fun Fur Prints, #205 (Sandstone), 4 skeins
Needles: US 15
Project Timeline: January 2006
Notes: My grandmother gave me the wool and 1 skein of the Fun Fur, and I had no idea what to do with them. I thought this scarf would be good – just like my first scarf, only with the addition of the wool a little warmer. I haven’t used it this winter, but I did use it frequently last year (it’s 9 feet long, so very long – the picture shows it wrapped around a column in my living room).
#14 Clapotis Scarf

Pattern: Knitty, with scarf modifications found somewhere
Yarn: Ornaghi Filati Bazar #500, 2 skeins
Needles: US 9
Project Timeline: January 2006, probably
Notes: I really liked the Clapotis pattern, but wasn’t ready to knit the whole thing (I also didn’t have the yarn for it). So I made this mini scarf. I’ve never used it – I don’t have much need for an airy cotton scarf – but it’s still pretty.
#15 Edgar #2

Pattern: Edgar
Yarn: Lion Brand Wool-Ease, Blush Heather, 1 skein, and N.Y. Yarns Spike, Lt Pink, 2 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: Late January 2006 (2 days)
Notes: This was Emilee’s birthday present last year. As I already mentioned (on 2005 projects), I really love this pattern, but was looking for something with a little more oomph to it (9-year-olds don’t wear decorative scarves). I also needed something washable, something pink, and something a little flashy. When I bought the Spike, I thought it was eyelash throughout; turns out, it’s sort of self-striping in eyelash – parts with and parts without. I like the effect.
#9 Large Seed Stitch Scarf
Pattern: None; Cast on a number of stitches divisible by 4; K2P2 for 2 rows, P2K2 for 2 rows; repeatYarn: Cascade 220 #8013, 2 skeins
Needles: US 7
Project Timeline:December 2005 – February 2006
Notes:I made this scarf for my uncle, and I never took a picture of it. It felt like it took forever, all those stitches and the switching between knit and purl, but I eventually finished. My aunt said he started wearing the scarf right away, so I guess I succeeded with this one.
#16 Clapotis #1

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden #88, 8 skeins
Needles: US 8
Project Timeline: Late January 2006 – Mid-February 2006
Notes: Ahh, my Clapotis. This is the scarf I wear all the time now, because it’s so big and warm. I found a nice neutral color of Silk Garden, and does it ever become soft after washing. Love it. And I had someone recognize it for the first time in Woolcott the other day (or at least, tell me they recognized it)!
#17 My So-Called Scarf #1
Pattern: Sheep in the CityYarn: Noro Transitions #1, 2 skeins
Needles: US 11
Project Timeline: January 28, 2006 – Mid-February 2006
Notes: Christina’s birthday present last year. I had really been wanting to try the Transitions, so I bought two skeins in two colors to make this scarf. It’s a cool scarf, but hard on the hands. I wish I’d gotten a picture of this one.
#18 Velvet Oblivion

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Muench Yarns Touch Me Due, #5409 (Rosso), 1 skein, and Bernat Boa, #81040 (Raven), 1 skein
Needles: US 6
Project Timeline: February 20-21, 2006
Notes: I have no idea why I HAD to make this, but I had just found out my grandmother had died and I was flying back to Chicago for the funeral... my whole day was shot, so I went out in search of the yarn. It’s a pretty quick knit, and once I get the strap sewn on, I might actually use it – it’s nice and cuddly. No straps as of yet because it took forever to find the right elastic (finally purchased in December).
#19 Cleaves

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Brown Sheep Company Lamb’s Pride Bulky, M175 Bronze Patina, 4 skeins (or 1 cone, which is what I had)
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: Week of February 20, 2006 – Sometime in March, 2006
Notes: Love this one in theory, but not so much in practice. It is nice and cuddly, and the yarn is wonderful, plus it was my first garment object. I just often forget I have it, and wear so many sweaters in the winter it doesn’t help. I’ll try for more use this spring.
#20 My So-Called Scarf #2

Pattern: Sheep in the City
Yarn: Noro Transitions #5, 2 skeins
Needles: US 11
Project Timeline: February 2006 – March 2006? No idea, really
Notes: And here’s MY so-called scarf. Again, Noro Transitions. I do love this yarn, but I can’t think of anything to do with it, and I always feel that two skeins of Noro isn’t enough, because you can’t necessarily match up the colors repeats perfectly (yes, perfectionist here).
#23 Wavy

Pattern: Wavy
Yarn: Cascade 220, #8422, 2 skeins
Needles: US 7
Project Timeline: Finished the end of March 2006
Notes: This scarf was fun and easy, and I like the way it came out. I might wear it more if I had a matching hat or something.
#29 Tychus #1

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Knit Picks Wool of the Andes, Evergreen, 2 skeins, and Snickerdoodle, 2 skeins
Needles: US 8
Project Timeline: April 2006 (whenever it was, it only took a weekend)
Notes: I don’t remember why I made this. I remember thinking the colors looked good together, and then changing my mind when I made the hat. Also, the hat came out HUGE. So it sits in my yarn basket. Maybe one day it’ll find a home.
#26 Honeymoon Cami

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Classic Elite Yarns Newport Light, #3379, 6 skeins
Needles: US 5
Project Timeline: April 2006 (with some adjustments in May)
Notes:Ahh, my first knitted garment. :-) I thought this was pretty, but didn’t have the yarn. But when I was in Illinois in February, my grandmother gave me a bunch of yarn from her staff, and it included this wonderful mercerized cotton! I love the top; I want to make more of them!
#24 Spike

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Rowan Rowanspun DK, #749 (Mouse), 2 skeins, and Rowan Rowanspun 4pl, #707 (Blood), 1 skein
Needles: US 7
Project Timeline: April 2006 – May 2006
Notes: I made this for my sister Rebecca for her birthday present. I like to call it the dead mouse scarf, due to the blood and mouse colors. It looked GREAT after blocking, but had shrunk up by this December (when I brought it to Chicago after failing to mail it). If I had known, I would have reblocked before gifting.
#31 Lacy Tank

Pattern: Tahki Cotton Classic Spring 2006 Collection
Yarn: Tahki Yarns Cotton Classic, #3931, 4 skeins
Needles: US 5
Project Timeline: May 4, 2006 – Week of May 8, 2006
Notes: Susan was working at Spark, and she told me that none of their knitters were interested in making samples; would I be interested? Next thing I know, I’m making a tank top in exchange for store credit. This went super fast, even though the pattern got a little tiring; I think I was excited. I also accidentally made the extra small size, but blocked it to a small/medium. At first, I thought it was something I would never wear, but once I tried it on, I realized that if it was the right size, it would be a great top. I was very proud of this one.
#30 Clapotis #2

Pattern: Knitty,
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Worsted, Gold Hill, 3 skeins
Needles: US 7
Project Timeline: April 2006 – May 14, 2006
Notes: I decided my mom needed a clapotis, like mine, and I decided the Shepherd Worsted was perfect, because it’s superwash, and comes in so many colors (and so soft!). Except... I had no idea what colors! I asked my sisters, they said Mom likes lots of colors (which is true). I finally settled on the Gold Hill. It didn’t come out as nice as I thought (a pattern I think that might continue with my mom), and one skein was way more green than the others. But Mom didn’t seem to notice, and she said it matches her coat, so I guess a job well done.
#27 Simple Socks

Pattern: None; used some calculator that was wrong and eventual figured out how many stitches to cast on; found some heel/gusset/toe instructions somewhere
Yarn: Knit Picks Simple Stripes, Vineyard, 2 skeins
Needles: US 1 (US 0 for the cuffs)
Project Timeline: May 2006 – June 2006
Notes: My first socks! Okay, to be fair, I found a sock tutorial somewhere that recommended worsted weight yarn. I had some leftover black wool-ease, and used that – and made 1 1/2 before running out! But I understood the construction and was ready to move on. I ordered yarn and needles from Knit Picks, and I was off and running! The first time I cast on, they were huge, and I started again (after having a pretty decent cuff). But these fit fine – so the cuff is a little tight on my calves, and the toe feels funny – I don’t wear them much, but they’ll always be my first (and notice how well I lined up the stripes!).
#28 Ribbon X-back

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Katia Ola, no idea what color, 5 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: April 2006 – June 2006 (I think)
Notes: Another thing I HAD to make. Only problem – Katia Ola is discontinued. I found this on eBay, a wonderful, garish orange. The straps are a little big – I might fix this summer – and I really don’t like ribbon yarn or seed stitch. At least I got a top out of learning those lessons!
#36 Saturday Market Bag #1

Pattern: Magknits
Yarn: Lily Yarns Sugar and Cream, Sage Green, 2 skeins
Needles: US 15 and US 10.5
Project Timeline: June 2006 (one weekend)
Notes: This was so easy, I knit it in a weekend (though the handles took several rounds of modifications). I think that I just stumbled upon the pattern, and started to knit it right then and there with some Sugar and Cream I had. It’s a great beach bag (and perhaps you can see that I ended up using 2 different dye lots).
#34 Jaywalker Socks

Pattern: Magknits
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock, Tuscany, 2 skeins
Needles: US 1 (US 0 for cuffs)
Project Timeline: June 2006
Notes: My second pair of knitted socks, and these are the ones I love (and wear the most often, since I still only have the two pairs). They are perfect Liz socks, since the color is Tuscany (my dream vacation spot and home to my favorite wine), and Grumperina’s pattern notes say that they are named because they remind her of jaywalking in Boston (my adopted city). Love this pattern (though I may never knit it again), love this yarn, love this color.
#41 Saturday Market Bag #2

Pattern: Magknits
Yarn: Lily Yarns Sugar and Cream, Beach Ball Blue, 2 skeins
Needles: US 15 and US 10.5
Project Timeline: July 2006 (again, only a couple days)
Notes: Part of Corinne’s birthday present. Since I also ended up making her a scarf, I’m glad I made this, because scarves are not useful in the middle of summer. I used the fun colors, because that’s what I think of when I think of Corinne! Again, fast project, and I may have to make everyone under the sun one of these.
#43 Not Quite Strait Scarf #1

Pattern: All Buttoned Up
Yarn: Malabrigo Merino Worsted, Little Lovely, 2 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: July 22, 2006 – July 26, 2006
Notes: Originally I was going to make the market bag and a set of hot pink dishcloths for Corinne in yummy cotton chenille. Turns out, while cotton chenille is soft and makes a lush fabric, it’s quite a pain getting there! After weeks of little progress, I abandoned the dishcloths, but needed a new present quick! I was originally going to go with Manos, but Spark didn’t have the colors I wanted, so I wound up with the Malabrigo (causing me to fall in love immediately) – I held it double and made this awesome scarf in just a few days. Corinne couldn’t wait to wear it, but ended up having to, since it didn’t get cold until this month!
#42 Calla Lilies

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: DMC 3, 2 skeins each of B5200, 436, 498, 699, 700, 742
Needles: US 1
Project Timeline: July 2006 – August 4, 2006
Notes: When I saw this pattern, my first thought was, Kristen! – they are her favorite flower. I got rather ambitious, thinking I could knit a whole dozen for her bridal shower. Turns out embroidery floss is expensive, and the thin inelastic cotton was really tough on my hands! So she got 4, in the colors of her wedding – red to match the bridesmaids dresses, gold to match her dress, mango to match the calla lilies she would be carrying in her bouquet, and white because that’s what color calla lilies normally are. I do hope she loved them, because I wanted it to be a very special gift.
#44 Not Quite Strait Scarf #2
Pattern: All Buttoned UpYarn: Handpainted Yarn Pure Merino Wool Bulky 6 Ply, Wonderful, 2 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: August 2006 (finished on the 25th)
Notes: I thought, since the pattern was so much fun for Corinne’s scarf, I’d repeat for my roommate Jamie! I ordered this color especially for her, and proceeded to knit in secret. This one didn’t go as fast – for one, I didn’t hold the yarn doubled. Two, I could immediately tell that there were slight variations in the two skeins, so I had to alternate skeins, and that adds time. I also did a crappy job of blocking it, due to being in a hurry the weekend before her birthday, so she received it still damp. She said she loves, she has told me other people love it, and I see her wearing it pretty frequently, even when we weren’t really talking, so I guess it was a hit!
#46 Short Row Rib Scarf

Pattern: Magknits
Yarn: Handpainted Yarn Pure Merino Wool Bulky 6 Ply, Alpine Pearl, 2 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: September 9, 2006 – September 14, 2006 (I think)
Notes: Normally when I knit a gift for someone, I pick out the yarn with that person in mind – since I buy so much yarn online, gift knitting can sometimes be a very long process. But I forgot my friend Kim’s birthday. The day after, I thought, gee, I should knit her something, but I don’t have any yarn. Wait, here’s some bulky merino from handpaintedyarn.com (ohh, how I love this stuff) in this blue-purple-green color – I can make a scarf out of that! The pattern went super quick, I applied fringe for the very first time, and when I gave it to Kim one week later she said, my favorite color! How did you know! Job well done, I think.
#39 Kiri Shawl

Pattern: All Tangled Up
Yarn: Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud, Tide Pool, 2 skeins
Needles: US 5
Project Timeline: Early July 2006 – September 24, 2006
Notes: At some point, I decided that for Jeff and Kristen’s wedding, I was wearing a brown dress with a turquoise shawl that I would make myself. So I got Kiri. This would be the knitted item I am currently most proud of – it was a lot of work, but the end result was well-worth it. The picture shows it a little out of whack – after the wedding I shoved it in my suitcase – but when properly blocked, it is a work of art. I was also able to find the PERFECT shoes to match it (and a great brown dress), and Kristen and Susan found beads for matching earrings, making it one of my most successfully planned outfits to date. I hope I have this forever and ever.
#49 Tychus #2

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Knit Picks Swish Superwash, Red Pepper, 2 skeins, Dark Navy, 2 skeins, Coast Grey, 2 skeins
Needles: US 8
Project Timeline: September 24, 2006 – October 8, 2006
Notes: I got it into my head that I should knit hats in Patriots colors for my four guy friends who love the Patriots. The first one went to Jeff, and despite everyone telling me I would have trouble knitting a hat for his big head, this one is more than big enough. Plus, it let me have all the other guys try it on so I could make modifications to fit their heads.
#45 Mata Hari Socks
Pattern: CraftoholicYarn: Fearless Fibers Superwash Merino Sock Yarn, Midnight Passion, 1 skein
Needles: US 1.5 (and US 0 for cuffs)
Project Timeline: August 2006 – October 8, 2006
Notes: Pair #1 of 6. I decided to knit my entire immediate family socks for Christmas, and this was the first pair, given to Kim. I think this pattern is really pretty, and the rainbow-dyed yarn is perfect for it – the pattern shows off the yarn, and the yarn shows off the pattern. I wish I’d gotten a picture! I loved the service from Fearless Fibers, too, and look forward to buying more. These socks fit Kim, except the cuffs were a little too tight, and so I took out the cast-on edge and used a sewn bind-off, which I think fixed them just enough.
#51 Tychus #3
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Knit Picks Swish Superwash, Red Pepper, 2 skeins, Dark Navy, 2 skeins, Coast Grey, 2 skeins
Needles: US 8
Project Timeline: October 30, 2006 – October 31, 2006
Notes: Patriots hat #2 went to Ron. I wanted to get his done in time for the Pats game he was going to. I made this one pretty much the same, though slightly different, than the first one, though I took it down in size.
#32 Cozy

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Knit Picks Andean Silk, Sangria, 9 skeins
Needles: US 7
Project Timeline: May 2006 – November 5, 2006
Notes: This was part of Marilyn’s Christmas present. I wasn’t sure if she’d like it, but she says she did. I started it in May, when I thought I would have plenty of time to knit Christmas presents – turns out you should start in January! It was a pretty pattern, and I love the yarn, but I did have my fill after awhile. Maybe one day I’ll make one for myself!
#48 Thuja
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Sunshine Yarns Superwash Wool, Stones Throw, 1 skein
Needles: US 1.5 (and US 0 for cuffs)
Project Timeline: October 9, 2006 – November 6, 2006
Notes:Pair #2 of 6. These socks went to my dad, and I loved them. This was my first experience with Sunshine Yarns, and I have now bought a ton of skeins, including another in this color, and joined her sock club. The socks came out so soft and pretty, but still manly enough for my dad.
#53 Tychus #4
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Knit Picks Swish Superwash, Red Pepper, 2 skeins, Dark Navy, 2 skeins, Coast Grey, 2 skeins
Needles: US 7 and US 8
Project Timeline: November 11, 2006
Notes: This Patriots hat went to Herb. I knit his up in one evening, a week after he asked when he would be receiving it. This time I took down the number of cast on stitches, as well as reducing the number of stripes, and that seemed to make the perfect hat. Again, I modified the stripes ever so slightly, this time making blue the predominant color.
#54 Whitewater Wristwarmers

Pattern: Magknits
Yarn: Knit Picks Andean Silk, Hyacynth, 3 skeins
Needles: US 4
Project Timeline: November 12, 2006 – November 18, 2006 (had to be that week)
Notes: These came about because Susan’s sister Sarah asked her to make a pair of wristwarmers. Susan’s solution was to ask me! The yarn and pattern were chosen by Susan and Sarah, and I was left to do what I would. I made adjustments to account for different yarn and to make them a little longer (I still wish I’d done one more repeat before the thumb gusset and had made the top ribbed). Apparently Sarah loves them, so mission accomplished.
#52 RPM
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock Mediumweight, Garnet Dreams, 1 skein
Needles: US 1.5 (and US 0 for cuffs)
Project Timeline: November 6, 2006 – November 22, 2006
Notes:Pair #3 of 6 for Christmas – these ones went to my mom. The pattern was a lot of fun, and the yarn was really squishy – as a yarn, I really love Socks That Rock. And the color in the skein was gorgeous (as are a lot of their colors) – it was chosen because my mom is obsessed with garnets – but I didn’t like it knit up. It did this weird striping thing, and it just made the yarn look kinda ugly. My mom liked them, though, so I guess it doesn’t matter what I thought. I hope future experiences with Socks That Rock are different, because the colors are so pretty, and I’ve seen some fun patterning online.
#40 Klein Bottle Hat

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden, #88, 3 skeins
Needles: US 7
Project Timeline: July 2006 – November 25, 2006
Notes: This is my incredibly dorky hat. When I saw the pattern, I just had to make it, and I figured I would use the leftover Silk Garden to make something that matches my Clapotis. Of course, I had forgotten how much I HATE 1x1 rib, and I set it aside for quite some time. But finally, I finished it (partly in an effort to once and for all, get projects off of the bamboo needles and onto my Options set). Definitely incredibly dorky, but I love it anyway, and I love explaining it to people!
#55 Dancing Lady Socks
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock, Flames, 2 skeins, and Fearless Fibers Superwash Merino Sock Yarn, 1 skein (leftovers)
Needles: US 1.5 (and US 0 for cuffs)
Project Timeline: November 22, 2006 – December 1, 2006
#56 Jack Sparrow Socks

Pattern: Katydid Knits
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock, Black Purl, 1 skein, Knit Picks Essential, Black, 1 skein, Knit Picks Palette, White, 1 skein
Needles: US 1.5 (and US 0 for cuffs)
Project Timeline: December 2, 2006 – December 17, 2006
Notes: Pair #5 of 6, which I did have to put down for a short period because I was so sick of plain stockinette. These are for Christina, and are my first toe-up socks! The pattern is cute, and so far used only one skein of Shepherd Sock, which is great, but there’s just one problem: they don’t fit. So I’m in the process of re-knitting the cuffs to make them a little bigger. I hope that works out well!
#57 Fancy Silk Socks

Pattern: Knitting Vintage Socks
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock, Pale Pink, 2 skeins
Needles: US 1.5
Project Timeline: December 11, 2006 – December 23, 2006
Notes: Pair #6 of 6 for my family, and maybe my favorites. These went to Emilee, who loves pink. I love the subtleness of the nearly solid color, and the pattern is just beautiful. I hope to make a pair for myself one day, again in Shepherd Sock.
Boris’s Cape

Pattern: None; it’s stockinette with a garter stitch border and two yarnover button holes (I don’t think it ever got buttons)
Yarn: Lion Brand Thick & Quick, #145, 1 skein, and Flutter, #69, 1 skein
Needles: Uhh... maybe US 11? US 15? No idea anymore
Project Timeline: July 15, 2006 – July 16, 2006
Notes: This silly little project didn’t even get a project number. Here’s the story: Kathy was going to Chicago to visit Scott. I had things that needed to go to Seth. Kathy had a brilliant idea. SO... I made this cape, gave it to Kathy, who brought it to Chicago and gave it to Scott, who brought it to New Jersey to give it to Julie, who gave it to Seth, who brought it to Ithaca. I had to make a silly item in silly yarn (hence the garish gold eyelash yarn) for the stuffed boar that lives in the fraternity house. Hence Boris’s cape.
Labels: Completed Projects
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