Yarn Pirate Booty Club Shipment Update
I realized I haven't done a post with pictures of Booty Club shipments in, uhh... three months. I am still in that sock club and it is the only sock club I'm in right now. I tried to sign up for The Loopy Ewe one, but I didn't get in, and I'm okay with that. I do like getting the surprises in the mail, and I love the colors of this one, the different yarn bases and the good price, so I'll probably stick it out for awhile still... even though I haven't knit a single skein from this club in the, uhh, 7 months I've been a part of it. I'm hoping to change that soonish.
November: BFL Sock in Solstice

I like this color well enough, and I just used a BFL yarn for the first time recently, and loved it, so I'm happy with the base. I need to check Ravelry to see some knitted up pictures, but I'm hoping it might have a bit of a "semi-solid" characteristic to it, though I think that's wishful thinking. I did realize, however, that I have two skeins of Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in Socknitter's Spring Sunset which has very similar colors. So either one pair of socks will get knit as a gift (at least) or maybe I could trade that away, we'll see.
December: Merino/Tencel in Icicle

I love this. I don't normally by much blue sock yarn, but this really is lovely. And because of the shine from the tencel, Icicle is a very apt name. I'm hoping to find a really appropriate pattern for this - maybe something with snowflake designs? I've only ever knit up one skein of Yarn Pirate yarn, and it stripes (or pools) more than it mottles, but I think if I pick the right pattern it will still be okay without hiding the design.
January: Merino Sock in Kalamata

I love this one, too. Not a combination I would have thought of, and though I hate olives, this is a perfect color with a perfect name. I want to find the perfect pattern for this one, too.
So there you have it. Three months of booty, all with very different colors. That's one of the things I really like about this sock club - I don't feel like I'm getting monotonous selections.
Maybe I'll have time for actual knitting content next week, though this post sort of represents my knitting style these days - accumulating yarn way faster than I can knit (or post) about it!
My ears require a hat!
Last month, I was looking for a skein of yarn, for a project in which I've run out (and I'm still looking, but that's not the point). So I stopped into
Windsor Button, but they didn't have what I was looking for (Classic Elite Cotton Chenille in Bourgainvilla - #07 - if you must know). And then I looked at
Woolcott, and they didn't have it either (I guess it's too much of a spring/summer color of Cotton Chenille?). What they did have was another Classic Elite yarn, and it was too pretty for me to pass up -
Waterlily. This yarn looks like it's a handpainted semi solid, and it has such a nice twist (which of course translated into wonderful stitch definition). I just had to have it. I grabbed 2 balls of it in the Bramble (1927) color, figuring I could make a hat to match my leather gloves (which coincidentally go well with my Clapotis). I figured out what pattern to make on my way home from Woolcott, realized I had the other component necessary for the hat, cast on as soon as I got home, and finished (after starting three times, ahem) the next day:
Pattern: MagknitsYarn: Classic Elite Waterlily, Bramble (1927), 2 skeins
Needles: US 4/US 6
Project Timeline: 12/15/07 - 12/16/07
The beads are size 6/0 translucent peach seed beads in Translucent Peach, purchased from
Fire Mountain Gems and Beads, and I just happened to have them in my (very small) bead stash. I used 120 of them.
The hat fits perfect (that's the three starts talking) and covers my ears well. Which is good, because it is COLD here in Boston the past couple of days!
This is not a good picture, but it's all I have, and gives you an idea of how it fits me. Hopefully it's a good representation of the color, fit and pattern.
Too bad I left it at home in my haste today, though!
More 2007 Purses
I hate when work gets in the way of knitting... or knitblogging, as it were in this case, because I've been pretty busy knitting (I just finished a sock project tonight, but it's a secret until the recipient receives it!). There are, however, more 2007 projects to show (one of these days I'll be caught up). I got the last two purses off to my sisters (I might have knit one of them right before I gifted it....) when I was visiting family over Christmas.... and here they are!
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Recycled Sari Silk from
The Hunger Site, about 1 1/2 skeins
Needles: US 7
Timeline: 6/27/07 - 7/4/07
This one went to my sister Christina. She bought me a skein of sari silk last year for Christmas, so I thought she'd appreciate this the most. The yarn was difficult on my hands, but the end result was worth it. If I were to make this again, I'd make it less wide and deeper, and it could definitely use a lining and a closure. I have never done a lining before, though, so it might be awhile before I get to it!
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Brown Sheep Company Lamb's Pride Bulky, Wild Oak (M-08), 2 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Timeline:12/19/07 - 12/21/07
My sister Kim is a vegetarian, so I thought she'd appreciate a reusable lunch bag. This one I knit in front of my family, which was interesting, because they totally didn't get the idea of felting (my mom asked me to explain every time I said it and said she didn't understand my knitting language), and didn't get the idea of the bag until after it was complete. Ohh well! I think it came out beautifully, though. After I took the picture, I made my sister a handle for it with the leftover yarn, and I still feel I should send her a clasp. But, since I only see her once a year, I figured I should just gift it then.
2008 Completed Projects
I will be updating this throughout the year. Please check back whenever you want to see what project I might have recently finished! :-)
Current Tally: 5 Completed Projects in 2008
#102 Monkey Socks
Pattern: KnittyYarn: Gypsy Knits BFL Superwash, Mountain Rain, 1 skein
Needles: US 1.5
Project Timeline: 1/9/08 - 1/15/08
Recipient: Cat
Blog Entry/Notes: More Sock FOs#101 New England Socks
Pattern: Knitting on the Road, by Nancy Bush
Yarn: J. Knits Superwash Me, Boston, 1 skein
Needles: US 1.5
Project Timeline: 1/5/08 - 1/22/08
Recipient: Loopy Swap pal,
Loopy Ewe Swap Goodness#94 Jack Sparrow’s Favorite Socks #2
Pattern: Katydid KnitsYarn: Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock, Black Purl, 1 skein; Knit Picks Essential, Black, 1 skein (well, small part of one and small part of another); Louet Gems Fingering, White, 1 skein
Needles: US 1/US 0
Project Timeline: 11/19/07 - 1/22/08
Recipient: Kathy
Blog Entry/Notes: More Sock FOs#103 Short Row Rib Scarf #2
Pattern: MagknitsYarn: Handpaintedyarn.com Merino Bulky, Klematis, 2 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: 1/22/08 - 1/25/08
Recipient: Emilee
Blog Entry/Notes: My Second Short Row Rib Scarf#108 Endpaper iPod Cozy
Pattern: Stitch pattern taken from
Eunny Jang's Endpaper MittsYarn: Small amounts of Wollmeise Sockenwolle in Brombeere and Dream in Color Smooshy in Petal Shower
Needles: US 1.5 and US 0
Project Timeline: 03/19/08 - 03/20/08
Recipient: Me
Blog Entry/Notes: I have a knitting blog?Labels: Completed Projects