Center Square

Pattern: Knitty
Yarn: Knit Picks Swish Superwash, Black and Dark Navy, 2 skeins each (2 strands held together)
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline: 1/16/07 - 1/19/07
I missed Dan's birthday, because of Jeff and Kristen's wedding. So I sent a card, except I didn't send it until AFTER his birthday (couldn't track down an address). I wanted to knit something for him, but obviously didn't get to that before his birthday either, so I promised him something in his card. But then I couldn't think of anything. Dan was kind enough to tell me that he would like a hat in navy blue and black, and to give me measurements. I was then tasked to come up with something that made sense in those colors (which are hard to put together, sometimes). I didn't think this pattern was right at all, until I read a blog post somewhere about how a woman made one for her husband. Then it clicked! I think this came out really well, and hopefully it fits Dan's head.
I also like how the decreases are done at the top of the hat:

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