One last post before I leave....
Okay, my flight is at 10:00pm today, and I leave work in an hour and a half, which is when I'm shutting down my computer. BUT! I promised two things before I left for Italy, and here they are.
First, Mystery Stole #3. Remember that? I finished Clue #6 before Clue #7 (the last one) was published, but haven't gotten to Clue #7. That's on my list for when I get back (and things are hopefully less crazy). But I have been taking progress shots after each clue, so here is the wing of the shawl after Clue #6 has been complete:

Also, A Cardigan for Arwen. I finished weaving in the last end last night, can you believe it? I did block each piece before sewing it all together, but I kinda wish I could steam it before I leave - not sure if I'll get a chance. At any rate, here's me wearing it, with a silly grin on my face:

I hope to get some better shots of me in it during the trip (and there are a few more on my
Flickr page). I'll be back the evening of September 24th, so expect to here from me some time that week!
Even more yarn....
I still have packing to do, so this is going to be short. :-)
My September package from the
Chewy Spaghetti Blue Plate Special Sock Club was even nicer than the August one!

The color of the yarn is Alluring, and I really, really love it (and the first color from this club could potentially be knit up during my trip, which starts tomorrow night!). We also got a sample of Soak, a tin of mints, a sheep bath fizzy that smells like coconuts from
Daisy Cake Soaps (which I love), and a lingerie bag for washing hand knit socks. So cute! (The plastic bag has the sheep bath fizzy - it broke in half and was getting white powder all over the place, but trust me, it's cute.)
I also managed to snag 4 skeins of Wollmeise at
The Loopy Ewe yesterday (my budget did NOT need that), but those will be arriving while I'm on vacation, so pictures when I get back!
A Different Kind of Calamity
My Yarn Pirate Booty Club package for August finally came! Or, okay, it's the replacement that
Georgia so very kindly sent me. I have emailed her several times to thank her, but it bears repeating - it's unbelievable that she sent me a replacement skein, I really appreciate it, particularly since it meant her dying up a new skein in a color she had just done about 300 of - crazy!
Anyhow, here it is:

The yarn is SO FLUFFY! I might have to move this up the project queue, once I find a project for it. I'm so happy to finally have the skein, too, because it was driving me crazy that I never got it. Yay for the Yarn Pirate. :-)
Too busy knitting to write....
I have a good reason for not writing in awhile, really. Remember
this sweater, the one I want to take on my trip to Italy? Well, I leave in 6 days (!) and I. am. not. done. Yikes!
I have been furiously knitting, and I finished the right front/sleeve/hood last night. I'm going to graft the hood together tonight, and then block the whole thing while I knit the back (which should be pretty simple, it's all stockinette, though I do have about 140 rows to do). At this point I have CONFIDENT I can get the knitting done, but putting it all together? It's going to be close, that's for sure.
The gift socks that were taking me away from that project? Finished and blocked, but not gifted or photographed. I'll post a picture of them once those things are done.
Next week, I will DEFINITELY show you the Mystery Stole through Clue 6. It's funny that I did those clues all on time, and then just haven't done the very last one yet. But the sweater is more important!!! :-) And finish or not, I'll post a picture of the sweater in whatever state it's in before I leave. Hopefully the state will be DONE!