Perfect Yarn Color
I have a bit of a hand-dyed sock yarn buying habit. :-) Lorna's Laces, Socks That Rock, Schaeffer Anne, Mountain Colors Bearfoot, and of course Etsy. I may have found the PERFECT sock yarn color for me though:
The yarn is Sunshine Yarns Superwash Twist yarn in Black Rose Triple Dye, and as you often here with these things, the photo does not do the yarn justice. It is way more subtle and just absolutely perfect for me. This is destined to be Mata Hari Socks, which I've been on the hunt for yarn for a long time.
And with that, I'm back to a yarn diet. I'm going to Italy (!) in September, and I really need to start being frugal. I have enough sock yarn for at least 40 pairs of socks (more I'm sure, plus the more leftovers I have the more the options keep building), plus plenty of yarn for other projects (4 summer tops, another cardigan, a short-sleeved sweater, the afghan WIP, some fingerless gloves, a fair isle mittens/hat/scarf set, other scarves, lace) that I really don't need any yarn or patterns for awhile. So, no yarn until my passport arrives (I applied this past Saturday, so 6-10 weeks from now). Once my passport arrives, I am allowing myself to treat myself to enough yarn for a sweater (probably Eiffel) and a few skeins of yarn for birthday presents (some presents can hopefully be done from the stash). And then no yarn until Italy. I can do that, right? I managed to get through all of Lent, so I'm sure this will be fine.
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