Knee High to a Grasshopper
I need to get these posted before the new shipment arrives (which I think is sometime next week)!I finished the Knee High to a Grasshopper socks a few weeks ago, but just got around to taking pictures this past weekend. I decided that I would knit until I ran out of yarn, and what do you know, I ended up with (nearly) knee highs from the one skein! Woohoo!

Pattern:Blue Moon Fiber Arts (Rockin' Sock Club April Pattern)
Yarn: Blue Moon Fiber Arts Silkie Socks That Rock, Walking on the Wild Tide, 1 skein
Needles: US 2.5 (US 1.5 for cuffs)
Project Timeline: 5/18/07 - 5/29/07
I made a few modifications to the pattern, of course. I knit the medium size, and knit an extra 6 rows after I finished the toes. I now kinda wish I hadn't done this, because with the amount of stretch in the socks, it looks like too much. Not a huge deal, though.
The knee high part of the pattern called for a whopping 7 calf increases - I only did four. I think the medium size was actually too big for me, but the extra width on the sock ended up being good for stretching lengthwise, so I'm happy that I chose that size. I only got 13 rows of ribbing out of the yarn - I probably could have done another - but that's okay (my goal for 15).
Here's another shot of the socks, which show the pattern a little closer (and you can sorta see the seam down the back):

The pattern went by pretty quickly, as the 11 day knitting time shows. I didn't even mind that it was mostly purl stitches, and I love how the seam looks going down the back. I knit the socks SORTA two at a time... I did one sock up until the regular size point (2 calf increases), then put the stitches on a holder and knit the other sock from the other end of the yarn ball. After that, I went back and forth until I was running low on yarn.
Here's how much yarn I had left (and this is after I wove the ends in and cut off the rest):

The Silkie yarn was fun to work with. I am not really a fan of the two-tone nature of the yarn plies, but you can't really see that in the knitted fabric, so it's fine. I think the silk content and open pattern will make these socks good for many seasons. I'm happy that the Walking on the Wild Tide color striped for the most part (and the pooling from the calf increases is fun), and in general had a pleasant experience with the new yarn base.
Here's hoping the next pattern/color combination are just as fun. :-)
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