My New Yarn Came!
I have been spending most of my time lately working on the "Large Rectangle with Center Diamond Pattern" shawl from Victorian Lace Today (is it just me, or do the shawls in that book need better names? This particular one is on page 20, if you own the book) and my Pomatomus socks (first one was finished Monday, hopefully casting on the second sock tonight - I love how they look in the STR Seal Rock). This means there aren't really knitting pictures to share. But my shipment from The Loopy Ewe came and I can share those pictures!
Lane Borgosesia Cashwool in White for Mystery Stole 3 (off of the ballwinder at this point)

From left to right: Apple Laine in Vanilla, Claudia Hand Painted Yarns Fingering in Peppermint Mocha, Louet Gems Fingering in Burgundy

Again, from left to right: Dream in Color Smooshy in Petal Shower, Fleece Artist Sea Wool in Peridot
Additionally, I received my skein of Vesper Sock Yarn in "Knit and Tonic" from Knitterly Things (I had been around for a couple of updates, but had been trying to not break my yarn diet - since it went out the window last week, I figured why not with this one). Plus the yarn for some bags for my sisters either were purchased or arrived. I may start those soon.
So, lots of yarn for knitting (not that I didn't already have enough)! Tonight will be another night of sitting in my air-conditioned room (I put in the air conditioner for the first time in 3 years, due to the heat wave we're having right now), listening to music and knitting. I just have to get through the rest of the work day....
Oooooh...I just went to the Knitterly Things website. Evil, evil! Do you ever dye your own yarn? I have a wheel and some undyed knitpicks sock yarn I'll probably experiment with soon. I haven't spun or dyed yarn in over a year though, yikes!
Just wait until I post about two recently discovered sock yarns I want to try... ;-)
I have dyed a skein of Knit Picks laceweight merino. I realized afterward that I needed TWO skeins (which I'd bought, just didn't use) for the pattern I want, so I bought another, with intent to dye two matching skeins using Wilton's icing dye. I'd like to do more dying... I have a skein of bamboo/merion sock yarn from a contest I won coming to me, so hopefully that will help get the imaginative juices flowing!
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