So many WIPs....
Work is interfering with my knitting time lately (I didn't get to stop working until 10:20pm last night, and I try to go to bed around 11pm), so I haven't had as much to show lately (and probably won't for awhile, though I finished some bags this week - if I get them in the mail next week, I'll post pictures). In the absence of FOs, here are shots of my current high priority WIPs:
These are Pomatomus socks in Blue Moon Fiber Arts Socks That Rock Mediumweight, Seal Rock. I've had the yarn in my stash for these socks since last summer (I think), and I'm finally getting around to them. The pattern is great, but it sure is hard on my hands! I love the striping on the cuff, but on the first sock, I had major pooling on the foot. I assume the second sock (which I'd like to finish sometime next week) will do the same thing.

This is the "Large Rectangle with Center Diamond Pattern" from Victorian Lace Today (page 20). I'm using Rowan Kidsilk Haze in Anthracite (my first time with this yarn) and I'm 2/3 of the way through the main rectangle - after that I'll have to knit the border. I chose something simple for my first VLT project, because I've never knit on a border before, and I'm still pretty new to lace. This is then going to work to keep my warm on chilly days (which are most days).

Ahh, Mystery Stole #3, courtesy of Melanie at Pink Lemon Twist. I'm using Lane Borgosesia Cashwool in White (Melanie said that only whites and blacks are authentic to the theme, which we don't know yet) - no beads - and this is my progress after Clue #1 (Clue #2 came out early this morning, and I have not gotten to it because I have a job). I'm enjoying this - Clue #1 was done in just a few days (I alternated some rows of it with some rows on Pomatomus), so I'm hoping it can be a "side" WIP - work on it a couple days after the clue comes out, and then put it aside because I don't know what to do next!
I know there is a long list over there of other WIPs, but, uhh, yeah, I don't really mess with those. :-P
Wow. I am so impressed by everything you do. I love the socks. I am trying the Magic Loop now with a pair of socks but they seem HUGE. I don't know why, but it seems that I knit loosely on circulars. I am hoping that it's just an optical illusion and that they will actually fit once they're done haha.
Hehe - I'm sure you're gauge will tighten up as you get used to Magic Loop - it could be that you're used to a death grip on the DPN that you don't need with just one circular needle! Good luck with the socks!
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