Purses for My Family
I have four sisters plus my mom as far as knitting for women in my family goes (let's not even get into my dad - I have no idea what to knit him most of the time). I decided this year I would knit them all purses for their birthdays - but I have had quite a time getting them into the mail. Finally, last week, purses for my mom and two of my sisters went out and arrived on Thursday (which was ironically my birthday and nowhere near theirs, which are in January, February and July). So, here's a parade of purses!
Pattern: Magknits
Yarn: Cascade 220 Quattro, #9433, 1 skein
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline 1/8/07 - 1/13/07
This is the second Sophie Purse I have made, and since I love mine, I thought my mom would like one, too. One thing I did on this one that I don't like is I overtwisted the handles - I thought I'd want it more twisty, but it turns out I like the twist on mine much better!

Pattern: Black Sheep Bags
Yarn: Noro Kureyon, #194, 3 skeins
Needles: US 10.5
Project Timeline 1/21/07 - 1/24/07
My sister Emilee is 10, and she loves pink. Finding a color of Noro Kureyon with enough pink was quite a challenge, and I'm still not sure that I did a great job, but it is what it is. This one annoyed me with the felting - it got little lint things all over it (you can see in the picture) and I just couldn't get enough of them off. I doubt a 10-year-old is going to notice, but it bugs me!
Here's another shot of the purse close-up:

And the last one:

Pattern: Magknits
Yarn: Lily Yarns Sugar and Cream, Black, 2 skeins
Needles: US 15 and US 10
Project Timeline: 7/4/07 - 7/5/07
I just love the Saturday Market Bag - I think it's the perfect beach bag where you can fit a lot of stuff; the Sugar and Cream yarn is cheap, easily accessible and comes in lots of colors; and it only takes a couple of days to make! I have already received a note from my sister Rebecca that she loves this one.
Up-close, since black is hard to see:

I have one more bag to send (one sister is in limbo right now as far as address is concerned) and one more to make, but luckily those sisters haven't had their birthdays yet this year!
Impressive how you're posting about all of those bags you've made in such a short time! I especially love the market bag. I have some sugar and cream in my stash, I might have to tackle that one! :-)
I made two of these in January and the other at the beginning of July (technically in time for everyone's birthday), so it's not that impressive. I just like to wait to post gifts until the recipient as already received it (just in case someone stumbles upon this blog).
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