How About More New Yarn?
I recently placed an order with Blue Moon Fiber Arts - it was a reasonably big one, given that I was using my 10% off coupon from the Rockin' Sock Club, and I wanted to get my money's worth. My order came today, right before I left for work, so I quickly snapped a picture:
From left to right we have:
Kidmo in Backstabber
Socks That Rock Lightweight in Titania
Socks That Rock Lightweight in Metamorphic
Socks That Rock Lightweight in Pebble Beach
Socks That Rock Mediumweight in Lucy
Socks That Rock Mediumweight in Pink Granite
I also bought two patterns, Marble Arches and Titania's Revenge, which were my favorites from last year's sock club (that I did not join). This is why I bought Titania and Pink Granite. :-) I was happy to see that just like with the sock club, these patterns came in protective plastic sleeves, so they went right into my Rockin' Sock Club binder. I'm going to have to get some plastic sleeves of my own, so that I can file away other loose patterns I have.
I started The Solstice Slip last night, as I was hoping. I'm getting a gauge of 9 spi, instead of 8 spi, but I don't want change needle size (I'm using a US 1.5 circular from Knit Picks, as usual), so I was hoping to just choose my sock size accordingly. I started with the large, and got through the toe and two pattern repeats before realizing the sock was way too big, and I KNOW that if 75 stitches is too big on my foot, then 85 stitches are going to flood my ankles (but then I'm sure will be too small just a little ways up on my calves). So I started over - I've now got the toe complete on a medium-sized sock (65 stitches, much more like it), and I'll start pattern repeats tonight. I am really liking the pattern, though, and cabling without a cable needle is nice, at least for these 1-2 cables. I'm not sure I'd want to do it quite yet for more than a 2-2 cable, but who knows how I'll feel with practice. I used Grumperina's tutorial, and I found it really easy to follow.
Maybe now I will try to focus on work instead of knitting for the next several hours. :-)
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