Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mystery Stole #3 - The Epilogue

Well, the adventure that was Mystery Stole #3, now known as the Swan Lake Stole, is over. The stole was blocked this weekend, and I must say that I'm really happy with the experience. I hope Melanie at Pink Lemon Twist does it again (even though it seems as if it was a ridiculous amount of work to run!).

Here's the stole before blocking:

Mystery Stole #3

And during its transformation:

Mystery Stole #3, Blocking

This is one of my favorite blocking shots:

Mystery Stole #3, Blocking

And then, finally, I got this:

Mysery Stole #3 - 2 of 3

Pattern: Swan Lake, from Pink Lemon Twist (aka Mystery Stole #3)
Yarn: Lane Borgosesia Cashwool, White, 1 skein
Needles: US 4
Project Timeline: 6/29/07 - 10/7/07

I wasn't sure what I would do with a white merino wool stole, but I do really love it, and I think it will be great with jeans and a t-shirt, when I just want a little something extra to keep my arms warm. I'd love to knit it again, either in its pure form or the Wings of a Dream version (I will eventually purchase the pattern), and definitely in a silk blend with beads. There are lots of lace projects ahead of it, though!

Here's one more shot, this time of me wearing it, conveniently with jeans and a t-shirt!

Mysery Stole #3 - 3 of 3


At October 25, 2007 12:44 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Damn, girl! I can't even keep up with your posts hahaha

Love the mystery stole!I still can't believe how fast you finish these projects. You must be a "picker?" I am a thrower and I think I need to learn the other way :-)

At October 25, 2007 12:53 PM, Blogger Lizzardie said...

It's really a matter of being totally behind on posting, plus working on way too many projects at a time! The socks I posted earlier this week were done almost two months ago. Scarves and socks go quickly, lace shawls and sweaters... not so much. :-)

I'm actually a thrower. I tried to learn the other way once, and it was a total disaster. Now I've just accepted that this is how I'm going to knit!


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